Margaret Lawrence Gallery, Southbank, Melbourne, February 2013
Transobjects, 2013, Installation view
Transobjects, 2013, Installation view
Beeswax of Apis mellifera, 2013
Material: beeswax and table of person/s unknown.
Transobjects, 2013, Installation view
Evocative objects (detail), 2012
Material: wooden chair found on a suburban nature strip. Aforementioned objects carbonised and ground, paper. Presence: Sherry Turkle’s Evocative Objects and particular contributing authors (persons unknown to me).
Carbon, atomic number 6 (detail), 2013
Material: carbonised objects and table of person/s unknown.
Carbonised woodblocks of Classical architecture (gift from the artist’s former partner), 2013
Presence: a former partner. Material for Fragment faces, 2013.
Objects from a table shared (detail), 2012
Material: accidentally carbonized cannellini beans forgotten on the stove. Aforementioned objects carbonised and ground, paper. Presence: artist’s former partner.
Bay laurel, Laurus nobilis (detail), 2013
Material: bay laurel leaves.
Fragment faces (detail), 2013
Material: woodblocks of Classical architecture (gift from the artist’s former partner). Aforementioned objects carbonised and ground, paper. Presence: artist’s former partner.
Wheat, Triticum aestivum (detail), 2013
Material: common Wheat and table of unknown person/s.
My sister’s table, my father’s garment, my mother’s mortar and pestle, 2013
Material: wooden table, granular salt, woolen handknitted garment, brass mortar and pestle. Presence: artist’s mother, father, sister, islands.
My sister’s table, my father’s garment, my mother’s mortar and pestle (detail), 2013
Material: wooden table, granular salt, woolen handknitted garment, brass mortar and pestle. Presence: artist’s mother, father, sister, islands.
My kitchen table with cups, bowls and plates once shared, 2013
Material: the artist’s crockery and burnt table. Presence: the artist’s former partner.
Grinding transobjects, 2013, Still from video
Breaking cups, bowls and plates once shared, 2013, Still from video
The works investigate the independent reality of “particularly determined” objects within human experience and as entities independent of human relations.
Philosophical positions involving notions of transubstantiation are explored and incorporate object-oriented philosophy’s retrieved and renovated concept of Aristotelian substance.
The artworks, based on the concepts of particularly determined things are found to undergo a change that is neither metaphoric nor metamorphic—but instead offer a transubstantial understanding of their objecthood.